Gosnell School District is seeking feedback regarding the district requesting a waiver for an early start date for the 2024-25 school year (August 12). By starting on this date, this will give the district more instructional time prior to testing and allow for built-in inclement weather days.
Please click on the link to vote.

Gosnell School District will be closed Monday, January 15th, for Martin Luther King, Jr Day.
School districts are no longer allowed to have AMI days. Any snow/inclement weather days that occur must be made up on the built-in snow days in this year's school calendar. A link to the calendar is provided below.

Due to extreme temperatures this week, the High School and Junior High Football games will have different starting times.
*Thursday, August 24th, the Junior High team will begin at 8:00pm at Brookland.
*Friday, August 25th, the High School team will begin at 7:30pm at Piggott.
We hope you all can make it to these games to support our teams!! GO PIRATES!!

Information regarding summer P-EBT

Gosnell School District awarded “Big Business of the Quarter” by the Mississippi Chamber of Commerce!

Congratulations to the Gosnell Junior High Pirate Football Team for completing an UNDEFEATED season and a conference championship!